
Project name
Girls’ and mothers’ clubs (Phase 2)
Expansion and Enhancement
Main participants
The project helped improve the health and well-being of 145 females (75 girls, ages 10 to 17, and 70 adult females) and 568 relatives.
The project was implemented in 4 villages in southern Belize: Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Roman, and Bella Vista
Key activities and deliverables
Five women and five girls’ clubs participated in various health, food security, and community improvement actions for two years.
Together, the ten groups:
Completed 250 theoretical lessons, 40 cooking demonstrations, and 10 cleaning and tree planting campaigns.
Planted 720 trees.
Built and managed 5 greenhouses, 5 chicken coops and 5 pig pens.
Expanded their home-gardens with fruit trees and vegetables.
Built 12 firewood-saving stoves.
65,457 people were reached on social media with messages about nutrition, food security, project updates, and other topics
Supported by
* For more information on this project, please refer to our progress reports and social media updates