Project name
Strengthen emergency and disaster response
in vulnerable communities by building capacities and improving collaboration and service delivery in southern Belize
Main participants
From 2018 to 2020, HPPB - in partnership with the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) - will upgrade the Hurricane Plan to a Multi-Hazard Operation Plan and provide training and supplies to strengthen response to natural disasters in southern Belize.
The project will also improve training curriculums for early warning systems; strengthen Village Emergency Committees; and conduct a nation-wide awareness campaign.
The project is implemented in 30 villages: Aguacate, Barranco, Bladen, Blue Creek, Corazon Creek, Crique Sarco, Dangriga Town, Galespoint, Graham Creek, Hope Creek, Hopkins, Jordan, Mabilha, Machakil Ha, Monkey River, Mullins River, Placencia, Punta Gorda, Punta Negra, Red Bank, San Benito Poite, San Jose, San Juan/ Cowpen, San Lucas, Santa Ana, Santa Theresa, Sarawee, Seine Bight, Sittee River and Trio.
Provide supplies and materials necessary for disaster response to selected communities.
Strengthen community-based governance and response systems related to natural disasters.
Strengthen accountability of Government disaster response.
Supported by
* For more information on this project, please refer to our progress reports and social media updates